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Company Overview

The Santa Barbara-Ventura County Dental Society (Founded in 1919) is the largest professional organization representing dentists in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, as well as being the local arm of the California and American Dental Associations. Membership is voluntary. More than 75 percent of dentists in the Santa Barbara and Ventura County areas are currently members.

Mission: At the Santa Barbara-Ventura County Dental Society, we advance our profession through unity and support. Together, we empower one another to grow, excel, and thrive.

SBVCDS Member Benefits
What do you get when you join the SBVCDS?

The Santa Barbara-Ventura County Dental Society (Founded in 1919) is the largest professional organization representing dentists in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, as well as being the local arm of the California and American Dental Associations. Membership is voluntary. More than 75 percent of dentists in the Santa Barbara and Ventura County areas are currently members.

When you join the Santa Barbara-Ventura County Dental Society, you also become a member of the California and American Dental Associations. Through these organizations, you have access to the following (and so much more!):
Updated legal and regulatory information
Legislative advocacy
Answers to your non-clinical dental related questions
Patient complaint resolution
Employee Placement Service
Cutting edge C.E., including local, CDA Scientific Sessions and ADA Annual Session
Island View, SBVCDS newsletter
CDA Update
CDA, Journal of the California Dental Association
ADA News
TDIC (liability and other insurance products)
Merchant card processing services
Advocacy with insurance plans
Support with community outreach programs
Radiology Safety course to license your staff
CPR Courses
Endorsed programs, including:
Credit cards
Demographic site analysis
Equipment leasing and financing
Dental patient financing
Loans (student, practice purchase & equity, etc.)
Practice management consulting
Spore check system
Waste management services